Guatemala City, August 20, 2023 - Dionisio Gutiérrez, President of the Freedom and Development Foundation, is heading the International Observer Group for the electoral process in Guatemala, reaffirming his unwavering commitment to democracy in the region.
Distinguished former presidents of Latin America are participating in this electoral observation effort. Among them are Andrés Pastrana, former President of Colombia; Jorge Tuto Quiroga, former President of Bolivia; and Felipe Calderón, former President of Mexico.
Additionally, high-ranking officials from US security agencies have arrived in Guatemala, including George Piro, former Assistant Director of International Operations at the FBI; DC Page, former senior official from Homeland Security; Javier Pérez, former Director of the Miami Police; and Erick Hawk, former Chief of Security for the United Nations, among others.
Their experience, knowledge, and commitment to democracy and the Rule of lLaw will strengthen the observation process and contribute to ensuring fair and transparent elections.
This Mission underscores the international community's commitment to fostering democratic values and ensuring a peaceful electoral process in Guatemala.
The former presidents participating in the Observation Mission led by Dionisio Gutiérrez are part of the Freedom and Democracy Group. This recently formed group is the result of an effort led by the International Freedom Foundation, founded by Mario Vargas Llosa, of which Dionisio Gutiérrez is a member. The FDG comprises over 20 former presidents from Ibero-America and other notable leaders from the region, with the aim of defending and promoting the values of republican democracy and liberty in Latin America.
For more information: contacto@fundacionlibertad.com